Gegen den Skandal der Ungleichheit: Danny Dorling am Dienstag im Kreisky Forum

dorling.jpgSelten findet man in Tageszeitungen Editorials mit so einem lapidaren Titel wie im britischen „Guardian“ vergangenes Jahr: „In Praise of Danny Dorling“ hieß das Stück – „Zur Lobpreisung von Danny Dorling“: 

There is another I-word that matters far more, and which barely gets a mention: inequality. Thank goodness then for Danny Dorling, who has spent the past 20 years studying the wealth gap. In his new book Injustice: Why Social Inequality Persists, the academic analyses a contemporary scandal. … When he handed in his manuscript, Dorling thought he had written a bland account of the gap between rich and poor. The publisher told him it was „very angry“. And how. Dorling is that rare university professor: expert, politically engaged and able to explain simply why his subject matters. He describes modern Britain as the most unequal society since Dickens’s times, and picks apart the orthodoxies that allow such unfairness. „I’m hardly saying, ‚We want a revolution, we want a utopia,'“ he recently told this paper. „I’m just saying, ‚Can we be slightly less stupid, and we’ll all be better off for it.'“ Hear hear.
Also: „Injustice – Why Social Inequality Matters“ heißt das großartige Buch, in dem Daniel Dorling – ähnlich wie sein Kollege Richard Wilkinson – nicht nur die skandalösen Ungleichheiten analysiert und beschreibt, wie sie immer wieder legitimiert werden, sondern auch zeigt, dass in egalitären Gesellschaften alle besser leben. 
Kommenden Dienstag, 13. Dezember, habe ich Danny Dorling in meiner Reihe „Genial dagegen“ im Wiener Kreisky-Forum zu Gast. 
Danny Dorling: Injustice: Why Social Inequality Matters. 
Di, 13. Dezember, 19 Uhr, Kreisky Forum, Armbrustergasse 15, 1190 Wien. 

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